Monday, December 12, 2011

A challenge for the Coming Year

During this next year one of my ongoing projects is going to be writing an article a day from January one through December 31st 2012. Since it is a leap year, it means that I will be writing 366 unique articles this coming this year. This is in addition to my blog posts to this blog. (I’m planning to post one every Monday.) This is in addition to the papers I have to write for school. This is in addition to editing Soldiers Don’t Cry. This is in addition to marketing When God Turned His Head. This is in addition to the 50,000 word new novel for NaNoWriMo next November. It sounds like a lot of work, and believe me, I know it is. How will I be able to get all of it done? It’s not like I’ve never done anything like this before either. Back a couple of years ago I wrote 100 articles in 100 days for eHow. I’d probably still be writing for eHow if they hadn’t become part of Direct Media. I don’t begrudge Ehow’s changes. I, too, needed to grow. I learned so much from my time with Ehow. What I learned when I write for Ehow, I can use now to write these articles. First of all, I have to have a plan, and a plan is exactly what I am working on this month. I’ve got a notebook sitting right beside me and I have been taking notes about I need to do to make this happen. I’ve taken one page for each month of the year and written the numbers 1-29,30, or 31 down the side of the page for each day of each month. I have several more pages where I’m going to write down ideas for articles that I want to write. I will pick and choose what articles I will submit for each day of the year. On still more pages I will work through each one of the ideas creating outlines for each of the articles. From these outlines I will then move to the computer to research my material and flesh out my articles. The second thing I am going to do is to schedule time to write these articles and blog posts. As I mentioned earlier, I am going to publish my blog every Monday. As you will notice, I started my blog back up last Monday. I intend to keep this a habit. I don’t like the fact that I didn’t have a blog post in a year. Also at the beginning of each week, I am going to schedule what articles I will be posting that week, and where I am going to be posting them. I have a number of sites where I can post my articles. I am sure I will be telling more about them in the near future. I intend to build up my readership in those sites as well. Again, I will tell more about those sites later. The third thing I must do is determine my subject matter. One subject, of course will be writing online, another will be about marketing. I’ve been doing both now for over 3 years. Plus I’ve had a couple of classes in college about these subjects. I think I can teach at least beginners on these subjects. Also there are still some recipes that I would like to add online. I have learned quite a bit about organization, business, and personal finance. There are also the holiday articles that I can write. I can even glean some articles from the papers I write at school. Just by changing the voice to match my audience, I will be able to recycle those papers into articles. There are also the history facts that I have discovered from the research I have been doing. I have also been discovering info about my genealogy. Perhaps there is an article or two there, as well. Is there anyone else out there who would like to take me up on this challenge? Can you write 366 articles this year? I’d love the company. Comment below and let me know that you’d like to take the challenge.

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