In case you missed last week's articles online.
I started off the week with:
The Plight of Being Lukewarm
On Monday, I continued my series on the Past Presidential Elections. I continued with:
Tuesday, we discovered what it would be like if we lived in 1800 and someone came to visit:
On Wednesday, we came back to the present and learned how to make pear butter:
Thursday's article showed us some of the advantages of an Online college education
The article on Friday brought us to thinking about our health and water's role and potential role in our health:
Keeping Hydrated for Health
And finally on Saturday we looked at reasons for starting a home business:
You would think that having spent so much time writing articles that I would have had no time to work on my novel, but that is not the case at all. I made a lot of progress on rewriting Soldiers Don't Cry. I am almost done with the second draft, then it's back to the drawing board to look for how to make Soldiers Don't Cry the best novel I have written yet.
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